Loose Wheel Indicator

Providing quick and precise warnings, increasing safety connected to the tire and wheel.

This is LWI

With increased car sharing, and autonomous vehicles around the corner, smarter vehicle diagnostics is quickly becoming a necessity. Loose Wheel Indicator is a software solution, combining the car’s existing sensors in a new, high-performance system.It requires no additional sensors whatsoever. Instead, it determines if a wheel – and which wheel – is loose only from the spectrum content of the wheel speed signals. This of course makes it very cost-efficient. Moreover, the system is robust against surface changes, load variations and different driving styles.
Using existing sensors
LWI requires no additional sensors and instead combines information from the wheel speed sensors with CAN-bus signals.
Alogorithms designed for safety
The algorithm is tuned for quick detection and high robustness - making sure that the driver is only alerted in the case of a loose wheel.
Robustness and false warnings
Through a pattern matching of the wheel speed spectrograms, LWI is able to detect and isolate up to four loose wheels.
Driver alerted
A loose wheel warning will be issued within only minutes of driving. Ensuring that the driver can safely stop the vehicle before the wheel becomes a hazard.
Continous monitoring
Continuous monitoring making sure wheels do not get loose unnoticed.
Quick detection
Detection within minutes for the safest possible experience.
Dashboard warnings
Available with detailed warning (with or without isolation)
Automatic reset
No reset from driver needed, system self-heals.
Safety for everyone
Makes driving safer, not only for the drivers who risk losing a wheel, but for all road users.

Makes driving safer, not only for the drivers who risk losing a wheel, but for all road users.

Loose wheels on vehicles is a common problem across the globe, leading to injuries, material damage, and even casualties. A loose wheel can exceed speeds of 100 km/h, and bounce dozens of meters in the air, causing accidents not only to the unfortunate car in question but also to other motorists or bystanders.
Audi - LWI in Audi A6, A7 and A8

NIRA are cooperating closely with Audi, delivering LWI to the premium segment of Audi vehicles, A6, A7 and A8. LWI is part of the wheel safety enhanced package.

Easiness to integrate and quick detection time is essential when describing the advantages with the LWI software.